Birth Healing
This work has been pioneered by Sharon King who has for many years worked with EFT/ Matrix Reimprinting to develop a process that is now unique in its transformational ability to take on many forms and methods. As such it is equally as effective when used with Colour Mirrors Therapy, Spiritual Re connective Healing, Past life and Assenstral Healing and many other forms.
So many of our deep held patterns and beliefs are locked into our birth and many can be expanded to create growth and new direction when these are explored.
Many aspects may also come into a session, including emotional blocks during our own childhood and relationships with parents or grandparents. This is a deep level of personal and spiritual deveolpment. Do also look at the offer fee for five sessions, if you are serious about making deep level progress in your health and life.
Tools used and books to aid you are also listed here
The duration and fees will vary according to your need and ability, so do e mail first to find out what is possile and book your slot.
Jules - [email protected]
Jules - [email protected]